Saturday, January 1, 2011

So Why a Blog on Thrifting?

I guess I have a lot of idle time or something - or maybe it was due to my being brought to Flea Markets as a kid by my dad - in any case, I'm the type to be drawn to the random "Yard Sale" - "Garage Sale" - "Estate Sale" signs you see on weekends. I also frequent a handful of Thrift Stores including Goodwill (to which I also donate), Value Village and some other random spots. It's just something in my nature, to want to re-purpose an item or see new life in the old. I'd much rather find something than purchase new (it also makes me an eBay addict). In any case, I'll be posting to this blog from time to time with my latest finds.

So here's a list of items I look for:
  1. Books - if you're priced a book lately, you'll know what I mean - I can often find a paperback at Goodwill for $1.50 that retails for $7.95 or so, and hardcovers are $2.50. Both are 50% off if it's the right color for the week. Yard sales are the best - I've often found whole boxes of books for a buck or two.
  2. Knick-knacks - generally I look for modernist designed or international design objects. This includes the odd piece of ceramic, wood items (especially in rosewood, teak or other exotic), kitchen tools, etc.
  3. Clocks and Radios - yeah, I like those too, especially items from the 50s-70s that are made of cool plastics, etc.
  4. Vintage Toys - I rarely find anything other than board games at thrift stores, but have been lucky a few times at estate sales.
  5. Paper Ephemera - I look for old posters, framed prints, booklets and pamphlets - this kind of goes with the book thing and my love for paper, good printing and design.
  6. New Clothing - it's amazing how much new clothing you can find at thrift stores and tag sales - seems a lot of people buy clothes and outgrow (or maybe they get items as gifts?) - most recently I found a Monty Python T-Shirt "It's only a flesh wound" with the tags at Goodwill for $2
  7. Modern Furniture - I'm always on the lookout for the occasional table, chair, etc. I just passed on two MCM dining chairs and a large shelf unit (the unit was $49 at Goodwill, made of walnut with a fold-out secretary) - sometimes you just have to let it go.
So for my first post, I thought I would talk about one of my latest finds - this is a Danish, marked, hand-carved teak serving tray. It immediately caught my eye. Unbelievably, it was also the "Color of the week" at Goodwill so I got it for 1/2 price - yup, less than $2.

55 cm long by 22 cm wide

Well marked "DENMARK"; "ODENSE" and Maker?

$3.93 B (so purchased for $1.97)

Notice the chisel marks!
 So how's that for a first post?

-- John

1 comment:

  1. how DO you have time for all those blogs?
    HA HA
    Our thrift stores here usually have a myriad of junk and trash, and so far have netted me nothing. But I still hold out hope for that one great find.
    Usually it's just depressing.
